Membership Procedure
Joining MILSET is adhering to its charter; to a movement which is concerned about today's world, which participates in the local development of scientific and technical education in leisure time, which promotes international cooperation, sustainable development, citizenship and peace by practicing sciences and technology in a spirit of respect, understanding and solidarity within different geographic and spiritual communities.
Joining MILSET is also an expression of your will to be part of this family and to work together with the other members sharing your knowledge and growing together.
To do so, please consult the following schedule:
Task |
Owner | Time |
Declaration of interest - Letter with copy of Charter and Annual Report | Candidate | |
Research, informal contacts, exchanges | MILSET Regional Office | |
Sending to the candidate, the Statutes, Charter, Internal Rules, Membership Form | MILSET Regional Executive Committee | |
Follow up of the exchanges, collect of the requested data and study of the candidature | MILSET Regional Executive Committee | |
Presentation and approval of the partnership candidature* | MILSET Regional Executive Committee | |
Presentation and approval of the partnership | MILSET Regional General Assembly | once a year |
Presentation and acceptation of the membership candidature | MILSET Regional Executive Committee | |
Presentation and approval of the membership | MILSET Regional General Assembly | once a year |
Final approval of the membership candidature | MILSET Executive Committee | 1/2 years |
Remarks on the procedure under the coordination of the MILSET Regional Executive Committees
- * A regional Executive Committee can decide to propose to skip the partnership steps if the organisations is known or has been collaborating for a certain period;
- The membership candidature requests the participation of a representative of the organisation during the concerned Regional General Assembly; a short presentation might be request;
- *The partnership candidature doesn't request the participation of a representative of the organisation during the concerned Regional General Assembly
- Be named as MILSET member/partner in all communication
- Take part to every MILSET event
- Participate in governance of the organisation
- Have voting privileges
- Respect MILSET Charter and MILSET values
- Respect MILSET Statutes, Internal Rules and Policies
- Cover MILSET membership fee and MILSET regional membership fee (if applicable)