- 19/10 - Asia: MILSET Expo-Sciences Asia 2018
- 03/10 - Asia: INSPO 2018
- 19/09 - Beamline for Schools
- 08/07 - Vostok: MILSET Expo-Sciences Vostok 2018
- 02/07 - Amlat: MILSET Expo-Sciences Latin American 2018
- 29/05 - Amlat: Expo-Sciences Brasil 2018
- 07/05 - Asia: 3rd Tehran Local Expo Science
- 26/04 - Europe: Belgian Science-Expo
- 23/04 - Asia: Kuwait Cooperative Center for Students Programmes convention signature
- 05/04 - Africa: Printemps des Sciences de FES-MEKNES 2018
- 24/03 - Europe: I Giovani e le Scienze
- 22/03 - Europe: Exporecerca Jove - MAGMA
- 15/03 - Europe: European Science Day for Youth 2018
- 26/02 - Asia: Innovation Leaders Programme-Yemen
- 14/02 - Call:MILSET Expo-Sciences Asia 2022
- 09/01 - Asia: I-FEST²
- 07/12 - Europe: 33th Young Researchers Encounter - INICE
- 27/10 - Asia: Saudi Arabia 1rst in Science Centres
- 27/10 - Asia: Excellence Award from the ASTC
- 01/10 - Asia: 5th Arab Robotics Conference
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